Welcome to

Urantia University Institute
Actualizing personal potentials of mind, matter and spirit through enlightened study, service, and experience.
What we do and support

UrantiaUniversity Institute (UUI) was founded in 2009 to provide a variety of online educational opportunities focused on the integrated study of religion, science, and philosophy for students of the Urantia revelation. Students and participants engage in a process of spiritual transformation as they explore, discern, and actualize the truths, knowledge, and ideals found in The Urantia Book.

Currently Offered
Instructor-led Courses

Allowing the Spirit to Guide You
u can be led by the spirit. The Thought Adjuster, the Spirit of Truth, and the Holy Spirit each guide in their own unique way.
This course will provide:
Information to help you recognize their guidance.
Varied ways to become more receptive.
Methods to cooperate.
Small sharing groups to discuss your experiences.
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Life and Teachings of Jesus
It is the bold purpose of this UB Topical Study to help you to develop for yourself a practical and working comprehension of your own personal growth as an individual and your unique contribution to the evolution and emergence of the Supreme Being.
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Life on Purpose: Living Service
Are you ready to use your unique talents for the greater good in loving service?
You'll receive access to all the content from two UUI Self-Directed courses, Life on Purpose: Living Service and Art of Universal Language. You're also invited to join monthly, online gatherings to keep you forward-moving and held cheerfully accountable in your service-inspired life, with Service Leaders available to you for specialized guidance.
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The Urantia Book

A satisfying and far-reaching revelation of our origin, history and destiny
No book in human history has ever attempted to present the integrated understanding of the coordination and interpenetration of the three infinite, eternal, and unique realities of Matter, Mind and Spirit on the vast scale portrayed in The Urantia Book.
A major theme of vital importance to personal and planetary progress in The Urantia Book is the necessity of developing and maintaining a balanced perspective on the universe, one that rests equally on Religion, Philosophy, and Science in order to better comprehend the true nature of Spirit, Mind, and Matter.
Why is this integrated view so important?
Perhaps because, more than ever before, humankind needs a balanced and satisfying understanding of the true meaning, value, and purpose of our individual and interpersonal lives as well as our place in the cosmos—a viewpoint that wisely and richly integrates the domains and knowledge of religion, philosophy, and science.

Donate & Volunteer

Do you have transferrable skills and a little time to support our work?
We'd love to hear from you!
Please tell us about yourself and your service interests by completing our Volunteer Form.

All of our programs are free to the public and supported by
one-time and recurring donations and the generous time of our volunteer faculty and Admin support team.
Thank you for helping us to grow!