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The Realization of

The Universal Family of God

The Homecoming series, with host Marvin Gawryn and co-host Elisabeth Callahan, begins with several weeks of in-depth exploration of a new and higher Way of Life—in spiritual family relationships with God and with each other.


We will together explore the essence of Jesus’ original teachings:

"A Way of Life in the Family of God"

The Spiritual Parent Child Relationship 

The Spiritual Sister Brother Relationship

The Indwelling Spirit   The Will of God  

✦  Love   Eternal Life   Faith

Please join us on Zoom each Sunday—to experience the breakouts, worship and live exchange of views—as we together begin the eternal journey along “The Family Way.”

We gather to enjoy the experience of sharing in spiritual family, and to prepare ourselves more effectively to share “this higher symbolism of a higher civilization” (87:7:6 (966.1)), the universal Family of God, with our spiritually hungry sisters and brothers!

Join Homecoming Live on Zoom


10:00 am -11:30 am Pacific time USA

1:00 pm  - 2:30 pm Eastern time USA

All other time zones, convert using

Daylight Savings Affects Our Event Times We change our clocks with most of the United States twice each year. This is done on the: Second Sunday of March First Sunday of November will give you the correct time for whatever date you enter.

How to Join

The Zoom link is included in every edition of the "UUI This Week" email.


These 90-minute Homecoming events are a new kind of hybrid worship service, combining:

  • Teaching/Inspiration on a weekly theme

  • Small breakout discussions — for participants to get to know each other

  • Quiet worship — allowing the Indwelling Spirit to integrate the teaching and conversations

  • Fellowship — a large group sharing of what participants experienced during the teaching, breakouts and worship.

Watch videos of all past Homecoming events

If you can’t make the live event on Sunday... no worries!

You can catch up, anytime at your leisure, on the topics discussed at our previous Homecoming events. Subscribe to notifications on the Urantia University Institute YouTube channel.

Or, watch the opening videos below, where you can follow the cumulative presentation of ideas, starting from our very first Homecoming on the symbolism and culture of The Family Way, right up to our most recent Sunday conversations.

  • YouTube
"Parent Child Relationship With God: The Foundational Spiritual Gift" - 2/4/2024

"Parent Child Relationship With God: The Foundational Spiritual Gift" - 2/4/2024

Video #2 in the "Homecoming: A Spiritual Family Gathering" series. This coming Sunday at Homecoming we will explore how God’s first stunning act — becoming a Creator Person … the Original Parent of the first Created Person … and initiating a living relationship with this Original Child — establishes the pattern for the miraculous gift that God is offering each and every one of us: A living Parent-Child relationship, intimately within us, and available to us in every moment of our lives. How can we unwrap and enjoy this astonishing gift in the way that God intends? And how do God’s additional “great gifts” — the Indwelling Spirit, the Will of God, Love, our Sister Brother Relationships, Eternal Life and Faith — dramatically augment this foundational gift of spiritual Parent Child Relationship? Lastly — for many of us who grew up with painfully inadequate human parents — how can we heal? How can we access the transforming parental Love of God that can make us whole? How can we be “spiritually reparented”? Please join us, as we explore these seminal questions, and together discover how we can begin to inhabit this foundational gift -- intimate Parent Child relationship -- that our Father/Mother God is offering us. We encourage you to watch the whole playlist sequentially. Learn more about Homecoming here: Sign up for UUI's email list to attend: #creatorGod, #original parent, #parent-child relationship, #indwelling spirit, #will of god, #Father/Mother God, #relationship with god, #miraculous gift, #faith
"Prayer & Worship = Unbroken Communion: Our First Duty and Highest Privilege” 2/18/2024

"Prayer & Worship = Unbroken Communion: Our First Duty and Highest Privilege” 2/18/2024

Video #4 in the "Homecoming: A Spiritual Family Gathering" series. February 18, 2024 In our first three weeks of Homecoming we explored: The importance of symbolism, culture and the 7 core truths of “A Way of Life in the Family of God.” The foundational gift of the Spiritual Parent Child Relationship that God is offering each one of us. The Spiritual Reparenting experience that heals us and makes us whole, in the early stages of the Parent Child relationship. This week we will explore the continuum of prayer & worship, as they comprise “communion,” — communication and union — which are the two essential modalities of our interaction with God. We will share two specific methods — one of prayer and one of worship. How can the habit of continuous prayer & worship usher us into the remarkable state that Jesus attained — a breathtaking awareness of being in God’s Presence in every moment! “…The secret of Jesus’ unparalleled religious life was this consciousness of the presence of God; and he attained it by intelligent prayer and sincere worship — unbroken communion with God .…” (196:0.10 (2088.5)) We encourage you to watch the whole playlist sequentially. Learn more about Homecoming here: Sign up for UUI's email list to attend: #Prayer and Worship, #unbroken communion, #symbolism and culture, #continuous prayer, #presence of god, #communion with god
The Indwelling Spirit: Intimacy with God, Creating Our Embryonic Souls, and Fusion - 2/25/2024

The Indwelling Spirit: Intimacy with God, Creating Our Embryonic Souls, and Fusion - 2/25/2024

Video #5 in the "Homecoming: A Spiritual Family Gathering" series. February 25, 2024 Most folks think God is abstract and incredibly far away… and therefore, not someone we can actually have much to do with. That unfortunate assumption could not be further from the truth! God has placed a unique and dedicated fragment of God’s own Self in the deepest place inside each one of us — to serve as the nucleus, the functional center, of each of our personalities. That means the unlimited Creator of the vast and starry realms — the infinite, eternal and all-powerful God — is closer to us and more constantly with us than any human friend could ever be! Intimate companionship with this Indwelling Spirit, sharing our inner lives with God — ideally in every single moment — is the “pearl of great price” that God is offering each one of us! And as we choose to live spiritually, this Indwelling Spirit is slowly but surely weaving the fabric of our souls — our true spiritual selves — that will survive death and be born into the next and higher worlds. One more way that God is our Creator Parent! Even more astounding!! … The revelators tell us that early in our ascent through the universes, we will experience FUSION — becoming somehow one being, both mortal and divine — with this astonishing gift of God’s Indwelling Spirit! #Homecoming, #Godinme, #indwellingspirit, #intimacy with God, #Spirit fusion, #all powerful God, #abstract God, #Godspersonality, #pearlofgreatprice We encourage you to watch the whole playlist sequentially. Learn more about Homecoming here: Sign up for UUI's email list to attend:
What If I Was God's Only Child: Appreciating Our Spiritual Sister Brother Relationships - 3/3/2024

What If I Was God's Only Child: Appreciating Our Spiritual Sister Brother Relationships - 3/3/2024

Video #6 in the "Homecoming: A Spiritual Family Gathering" series. March 3, 2024 If intimate parent child relationship with God is the central “pearl of great price,” then our innumerable relationships with each other are the endless “string of pearls” stretching out eternally in our Father/Mother’s universal spiritual family. “Ganid was, by this time, beginning to learn how his tutor spent his leisure in this unusual personal ministry to his fellows, and the young lad set about to find out the motive for these incessant activities. He asked, “Why do you occupy yourself so continuously with these visits with strangers?” And Jesus answered: “Ganid, no man is a stranger to one who knows God. In the experience of finding the Father in heaven, you discover that all men and women are your brothers and sisters, and does it seem strange that one should enjoy the exhilaration of meeting a newly discovered brother? To become acquainted with one’s brothers and sisters, to know their problems and to learn to love them, is the supreme experience of living.” 130:2.6 (1431.1) If coming to know, love, and serve our fellows is “the supreme experience of living,” how can we more effectively make it central in our everyday lives? Let’s gather together, to enjoy each other’s company and understand how we can much more fully become sisters and brothers in the Family of God. We encourage you to watch the whole playlist sequentially. Learn more about Homecoming here: Sign up for UUI's email list to attend: #pearl of great price, #relationship with God, #Spiritual Relationships, #spiritual family, #knowing God, #family of God, #spiritual sisters and brothers, #God’s only child, #finding the father

Come explore

"this higher symbolism of a higher civilization"

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The Family Way Forum

Cultivating teachers and leaders,
ministers and evangelists

The Family Way Forum is a supportive space to grow together in service, toward the "Realization" of the global Family of God.

With host, Marvin Gawryn, we will be exploring:

  • How we discover and develop our sense of "Calling."

  • How God is growing us spiritually to more effectively teach and minister.

  • What audiences, projects and skill sets God is calling us to.

This program is currently being offered "by invitation only" as the "Socialization of Religion Seminar," facilitated on Monday mornings by Marvin Gawryn.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Marvin directly at

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