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School of Service

We serve the servers.
Up-level your service-directed life of purpose,
with peers and mentors, in service of the Supreme Being.


In early 2022, Urantia University Institute’s Board was curious to embark upon the development of an untouched aspect of UUI’s mission: Service. That same year a generous award by the Crestwood Foundation made it possible to move forward with the School of Service and its beta course and emerging social transformation community network.

We are inspired by this admonition from Paper 28, regarding what the revelators call the "privilege of service." 

Service—purposeful service, not slavery—is productive of the highest satisfaction and is expressive of the divinest dignity. Service—more service, increased service, difficult service, adventurous service, and at last divine and perfect service—

is the goal of time and the destination of space.


The School of Service's motto is, "We serve the servers." Our courses and Service Leaders help you to identify your unique talents and give you guidance of how best to use them to add value to the Supreme Being. We are excited about serving with you!


A course in UUI's School of Service
Life on Purpose:
Living Service

Art of Universal Language


Are you ready to use your unique talents for the greater good in loving service?


Although this group course is currently in session, we have made the course material available as a self-directed study.

You may access the content with your free UUI account at these links: 



Each month the next module is made available for your study.


Monthly Themes:

  • May - Preparing for Service / Preparing through Intention Setting

  • June - Service as an Individual / Existing in Full Presence

  • July - Service in & through Families / Awareness of Audience

  • August - Service to Friends & Co-Workers / Inquiry at the Fore

  • September - Service in Communities & through Careers / Consciousness of Universal Values

  • October - Service as a Global Citizen / Exchanging Language


Service Leader Mentorship


We have decided to open our mentorship program to those service-inspired who are not enrolled in the current UUI course!

1.  The Service Team will contact you after you register at this link:

2.  Before you meet with a mentor, fill out the "Preparing to Serve" form and begin contemplating your unique life on purpose, living service.

3.  At your own pace, begin to review the "Preparing for Service" course material:


Serve in S.P.I.R.I.T.!!!


Service Progress. Intentional Relationships. Integral Transformation.

The School of Service within the Urantia Book community aims to be the hub of all service-directed people, projects, and programs for Urantia Book students.

S.P.I.R.I.T. is the new social transformation community network for the Urantia Book movement. 


On the new website you'll notice our vision and mission:

S.P.I.R.I.T. is dedicated to fostering social transformation through exploring shared values and supporting individuals, teams, and organizations committed to serving the greater good of humanity. 

Our mission is to empower YOU to find, hone, and use your unique talents to become the best version of yourself, so you can make a meaningful contribution 

to the betterment of humanity and the world.

Service Project Register

This data base has the intention to:

  • Expose your service project

  • Collaborate with others

  • Receive volunteers

  • Potential Angel investor matching



Service Inspiration

With God the Father, sonship is the great relationship.  With God the Supreme, achievement is the prerequisite to status – one must do something as well as be something. UB 115:0:1  


Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it. Viktor E. Frankl


Religion influences social reconstruction directly because it spiritualizes and idealizes the individual citizen. Indirectly, cultural civilization is influenced by the attitude of these individual religionists as they become active and influential members of various social, moral, economic, and political groups. UB 99:3.3 


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Gandhi


...the spiritual renaissance must wait for the coming of these new teachers of Jesus’ religion who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of humanity. And then these spirit-born souls will quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world. UB 195:9.4

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. Ralph Waldo Emerson


Gatherings in



On-going Support



No pre-requisite 

Life on Purpose: Living Service
Art of Universal Language

Never taken a course with UUI?

Follow the easy steps outlined in the document here. 

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