About UUI
Meeting the Call for Personal, Social &
Planetary Transformation

UUI grew out of a perceived need to provide diverse learning paths for students in an online educational environment in which to explore, discern, and actualize the truths and knowledge found in The Urantia Book. We are dedicated to the process of supporting people in actualizing their personal potentials of mind, matter, and spirit through enlightened study, service, and experience.
UUI’s community acts to do good in this world and empower each one of us to become positive agents of social change. Our never-ending goal is establishing a civilization motivated by morality and guided by spirit insight, utilizing the learning model of thinking, feeling, and doing—realizing and actualizing divine truth through loving service to others. UrantiaUniversity Institute is an independent, yet collaborative educational organization.

Our Beginnings
Inspired by a concept advanced by David Nash and Tim Hobbs, a Board of Trustees formed in the late 2009 to initiate the process of incorporating UrantiaUniversity (UU) and developing the legal, educational and technological foundation of the organization. UrantiaUniversity, Inc. was officially incorporated as a nonprofit corporation on December 21, 2009 in the State of Colorado and later obtained approval from the IRS of its status as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in February 2011.
Among the founding Trustees were Robert Burns, Elisabeth & John Callahan, Chris Halvorson, Fred Harris, Merritt Horn, Bill Rocap, Benet Rutenberg, Will Sherwood, Patti Snyder, and Paula Thompson.
In April 2014 the Trustees decided to adopt the DBA of “UrantiaUniversity Institute” (UUI) to reflect the school’s actual type and level of activity which was more in keeping with that of an Institute while they planned for the successive stages of growth required to achieve UUI’s long-term goal of becoming a full-fledged university. After several years of research into educational technologies and concurrent curriculum development, UUI successfully began to offer its first series of online classes related to The Urantia Book in September 2014.
Actualizing personal potentials of mind, matter and spirt through enlightened study, service, and experience