Welcome to

Urantia University Institute
Actualizing personal potentials of mind, matter and spirit through enlightened study, service, and experience.
Our programs focus on three core branches
Spiritual Practice
with a guiding philosophy that stems from The Urantia Book.
We welcome all those who want to grow in spirit.

Self-Directed Studies and the UUI Cafe are low-commitment options for people who just want to drop in.
Classes with weekly online meetings provide a deeper study of practices and truths.
We offer different levels of engagement
Apply to the Teacher Education Program when you feel called to share the teachings of The Urantia Book.

Programs that fit your schedule

Self-Directed Studies​
​Our Self-Directed Studies help with your independent study of The Urantia Book. They provide background and supplemental information for each paper. Use them as a study guide at any time.
Good for . . .
People who are starting or expanding their study of The Urantia Book
Flexible schedule
UUI Cafe

The UUI Cafe is a drop-in option to spend time with other Urantia Book readers. There are weekly topics for spiritually-intelligent discussion and there are times for worship. Check our website to see what's going on each week or sign up to receive the Zoom link and weekly updates. Come when you want to with no ongoing commitment.
Good for . . .
Urantia Book-curious
Community Building
Flexible schedule
Experienced readers of The Urantia Book
Facilitated discussion
Instructor-led classes for different interests

Spiritual Wellbeing and Service Courses

Our wellbeing courses, and those in the School of Service support people as they incorporate Urantia values into their lives. They often involve an instructor-led Zoom class, discussion with other students, and the intentional incorporation of the topic into your life.
Good for . . .
Urantia Book-curious
Scheduled classes
Community Building
Experienced readers of The Urantia Book
Urantia Book Studies
These instructor-led courses dive into the content of The Urantia Book. Our experienced teachers present the content and guide discussions to help students grow in their understanding of the book and explore the meanings and values of what is written.
Good for . . .
People who want an in-depth study of The Urantia Book. We have classes for beginners and experienced readers.
Community Building
Scheduled classes
Commitment of 2 - 12 weeks
Training Teachers and Leaders

The Urantia Book Teacher Education Program
Experienced students of The Urantia Book can take their service to the next level by applying to the Teacher Education Program. This program equips students to articulate Urantia concepts and values in a variety of environments. While studying the content of The Urantia Book students practice formal presentation skills, ministerial skills, and the skill of elevating regular conversation to a spiritual level. Committed students of The Urantia Book who have a sense of calling to the high service of teaching are invited to apply.
Good for . . .
Experienced students of The Urantia Book
Community Building
Scheduled classes
Online, with a 5-day in-person orientation

The Urantia Book

A satisfying and far-reaching revelation of our origin, history and destiny
No book in human history has ever attempted to present the integrated understanding of the coordination and interpenetration of the three infinite, eternal, and unique realities of Matter, Mind and Spirit on the vast scale portrayed in The Urantia Book.
A major theme of vital importance to personal and planetary progress in The Urantia Book is the necessity of developing and maintaining a balanced perspective on the universe, one that rests equally on Religion, Philosophy, and Science in order to better comprehend the true nature of Spirit, Mind, and Matter.
Why is this integrated view so important?
Perhaps because, more than ever before, humankind needs a balanced and satisfying understanding of the true meaning, value, and purpose of our individual and interpersonal lives as well as our place in the cosmos—a viewpoint that wisely and richly integrates the domains and knowledge of religion, philosophy, and science.