Each Sunday morning (10aEDT, currently) the Urantia University Institute Cafe facilitates a group worship experience. We are pleased and grateful to share that this Easter Sunday will be the 100th such gathering.
The facilitators and participants are dedicated to creating an atmosphere of spiritual communion with our Creators while building and strengthening a loving community of friends. Uplifting music and inspiring spoken texts punctuate periods of reflective silence that allow each participant to have a personal worship experience while in the company of the group. We’ve dubbed our sessions “experimental” so that we allow for creativity, spontaneity, and sincerity to be shared naturally. Each session ends with an open floor for group input and mutual support. This group began meeting, in November of 2021, with a dozen or so attending. Before long we noticed a couple dozen regular participants and just recently the Zoom room regularly fills with three dozen dedicated worshipers.
It is our intention to foster and encourage the essential experiences of prayer, gratitude, true worship and the resultant overflow of loving service. The Urantia Book teaches us that “worship is our highest privilege and first duty.” We’re told that, “Believers must increasingly learn how to step aside from the rush of life — escape the harassments of material existence — while they refresh the soul, inspire the mind, and renew the spirit by worshipful communion.”