
Janette McCain
In 1979 Janette and her neighbor, Tim, sat on her front porch in Boulder, CO, talking about Jesus. "Have you ever heard of The Urantia Book?" Tim asked. Janette said yes, but knew nothing more about it. "Hmmm." Tim said. "You ought to read that book."
And that was it. Curious, she ordered the book, started reading, and then called the Foundation in Chicago. "Who wrote this book?" she asked the fellow who answered. "You haven't yet read the book, have you?" he replied. "Before you read The Urantia Book, you will ask who wrote it. And after you read it, you will know. Read the book."
So Janette joined a Boulder study group and kept reading! At the time, Janette was a real estate broker, having previously been in both resort area condominium sales in Breckenridge, CO, and equipment sales with Xerox Corporation in San Francisco, CA and Denver, CO. Later, she became the managing broker of a central Denver real estate office, but later returned to Boulder, enrolling at the Boulder School for Students of The Urantia Book. There she met and married her kindred spirit and love of her life, Kent McCain, a recent honors graduate of Princeton Seminary.
Janette has been a member of several Urantia Book study groups and special subject classes through the years, notably those hosted by prominent Urantia Book scholars such as Mo Seigel, Chris Halvorson and Merritt Horn. In 2019, she joined Elisabeth Callahan in organizing the Self-Directed Study program for Urantia University Institute, for which she is one of the principal writers of study guides. In 2021 she was selected to be an associate member of the board of trustees of Urantia University Institute.
Janette has survived her husband, Kent, who died in 2008, and who was an exceptional Urantia Book scholar as well as an exceptional artist.