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The seven mansion worlds are the destination for all surviving mortals of Urantia, as they are for all other mortal inhabitants in this local system.

There are seven transitional worlds encircling the system headquarters planet of Jerusem. Orbiting each of these transitional worlds are seven smaller morontia worlds. In all, there are fifty-six worlds surrounding Jerusem (see Paper 45).

But of all these morontia worlds, only the seven that encircle the first transition world are known as the mansion worlds (see diagrams). This first transition world is the finaliter world which is, along with the mansion worlds, exclusively devoted to ascendant activities.

All seven mansion worlds are supervised by Melchizedeks and morontia supervisors, and each of these worlds has an acting governor who reports to Jerusem rulers. Each world also serves as the headquarters or rendezvous point for several groups, including Universal Conciliators (25:2), Technical Advisers (25:3), and Celestial Artisans (44).

This paper gives us a taste of the ongoing activities taking place on the transition worlds and the seven mansion worlds, and it gives us some idea of the experiences we will encounter on these worlds.

Prepared by: Mark Blackham

Image Credit: Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis, Journey of the Prince III (1907) via Wikiart

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1. The Finaliters’ World

Only finaliters and certain groups of salvaged children (with caretakers) live on the finaliter world, although many visitors are entertained there. The spornagia creatures, who are so vital to the material upkeep of these worlds, also reside on this world, as they do on all morontia worlds.

Ascending mortals can perceive the beauty of the finaliter world but the finaliters are invisible, as is their temple. Ascenders can, however, be spiritually aware of finaliters and, on special occasions, energy transformers have the power to make them visible.

No ascending mortal can escape the experience of rearing children—their own or others. If this necessary experience was not fulfilled on the material worlds, then it will be gained on either the finaliter world or on Jerusem. On the first mansion world, all survivors must pass the requirements of a parental commission from their native planets. This commission consists of twelve couples who have had the experience of raising three or more children to the pubescent age.

2. The Probationary Nursery

One half of the finaliter world is devoted to the nurture and training of the children of time (45:6). In this nursery, probationary creatures are grouped according to whether or not they have Adjusters. Those children who died on the evolutionary worlds before receiving  Adjusters are resurrected if at least one of their parents has survived. They will receive their Adjusters after attaining the requisite age and making their first moral choice. Older children who have Adjusters but did not make a prior choice about pursuing the Paradise career, are also repersonalized on the finaliter world.

Mansion world parents who have growing children in the probation nursery can function as associate parents to their own and other children.

The newly arrived children are put into the hands of the Mansion World Teachers in the probationary nursery, where they become wards of the finaliters. They are given every opportunity to choose the heavenly way, and the guardian seraphim attend to them just as they minister to mortals on the evolutionary planets. At any time after the age of sixteen, if the final choice has been made, they translate to the first mansion world to begin their Paradise ascent.

Nursery children are physically resurrected on the finaliter world just as they were on their home worlds, but without sex differentiation. When their material life has run its course and no choice has been made for the ascendant life, or if these children definitely decide against the Havona adventure, death automatically terminates their probationary careers.But if they choose the Paradise path, they are immediately made ready for translation to the first mansion world, where many arrive in time to join their parents in the Havona ascent. After passing through Havona and attaining the Deities, these salvaged souls become the permanent ascendant citizens of Paradise. But because they were deprived of the necessary mortal experiences, they are not mustered into the Corps of the Finality.

3. The First Mansion World

On the first mansion world, resurrected mortals resume their lives just where they left off on earth. When you awaken, you will notice considerable change, but if you had come from a more normal and progressive sphere, you would hardly notice the difference.

The center of all activities on the first mansion world is the gigantic resurrection hall, which also serves as a central rendezvous for seraphic destiny guardians, the Thought Adjusters, and the archangels of the resurrection. The Life Carriers also function with these celestial beings in the resurrection of the dead.

After death, mortal mind transcripts and memory patterns belong to the detached Adjuster, whereas mind-matrix and the passive potentials of identity are present in the morontia soul, which is entrusted to the destiny guardians. It is the reuniting of these two trusts that reassembles creature personality and constitutes resurrection. If this reassembly does not occur, the spirit elements of the nonsurviving mortal become an integral part of the experience of the Adjuster.

From the Temple of New Life there extend seven radial wings, the resurrection halls of the mortal races. There are one hundred thousand personal resurrection chambers in each of these seven wings, and their assembly halls serve as the awakening chambers for as many as one million individuals. Throughout all eternity, you will recall the profound memory impressions of these resurrection mornings.

From the resurrection halls, you proceed to the Melchizedek sector, where you are assigned permanent residence. Then you will have ten days of personal liberty to explore your new home and to consult the registry to call on others who preceded you to these worlds.

On mansion world number one, you will resume your intellectual training and spiritual development at the exact level interrupted by death. Almost the entire experience of this world pertains to deficiency ministry, where survivors overcome defects of character and deficiencies of experience. Fortunately, mansion world students are far more advanced spiritually than they were as humans.

If you made noteworthy progress on earth, it’s possible to skip to world number two after a ten day period. And thus you advance from world to world until you arrive on the world of your assignment.

Morontia Companions are the personal guides and associates assigned to ascending mortals. They are the offspring of the local universe Mother Spirit. As you start out on the first mansion world, one Morontia Companion is assigned to one thousand ascending mortals.

Finishing world number one brings a survivor up to the general status of the post-Adamic dispensation on a normal world. See Paper 52:3.

4. The Second Mansion World

Mansonia number one is a very material sphere. There, mortal ascenders are near human and not far removed from the limited viewpoints of mortal life. Biological deficiencies and defects in planetary experiences were either corrected or projected for future rectification. From sphere to sphere you grow less material, more intellectual, and slightly more spiritual. 

On the next world, mansonia number two, working groups and social organizations start to function. But for the individual, this world removes all intellectual conflict and mental disharmony, and allows for your continuing efforts to master morontia mota (See Paper 45).

Spirit-fused survivors occupy the mansion worlds with the Adjuster-fused ascending mortals. In all the worlds of ascension, you will find nothing comparable to human intolerance or discrimination. All orders of celestial life are friendly and fraternal.

On each mansion world, you acquire a modified (attuned) morontia body, but your personality remains intact and your Adjuster does not leave you during this transition. Your Adjuster memory remains fully intact, and everything in your mental life which was worthwhile and had survival value, was retained as a part of your personal memory. Throughout all seven mansion worlds, you continue to eat, drink, and rest. Morontia food is a living energy unknown on the material worlds.

Your development on mansonia number two compares with the intellectual status of the post-Magisterial Son culture of the ideal evolutionary worlds. See Paper 52:4.

 5. The Third Mansion World

Mansonia the third is the headquarters of the Mansion World Teachers (48:5). These glorified cherubim serve as morontia teachers all the way from the mansion worlds to the last sphere of local universe ascendant training.

On the first mansion world, ascenders are allowed to visit the first of the transition worlds, the finaliter world. On the second, they visit the second transition sphere, the morontia supervisor headquarters for all Satania. And when they reach mansion world number three, they are allowed to visit the third transition sphere, the headquarters of the angelic orders (see also Paper 45:1).  

Mansonia the third is a world of great personal and social achievement for all who have not made the equivalent of the psychic circles (110:6) prior to mortal death. The training of the first two mansion worlds is mostly of a deficiency nature, but on world number three, the survivors really begin their progressive morontia culture.

The chief purpose of this training is to enhance the understanding of the correlation of morontia mota and mortal logic. This is the real introduction to the intelligent comprehension of cosmic meanings and universe interrelationships.

The culture of the third mansion world is comparable to the post-bestowal Son age of a normal inhabited planet. (See Paper 52:5).

6. The Fourth Mansion World

When you arrive on the fourth mansion world, you have progressed a long way from your initial material existence. Now, you are given permission to make visits to transition world number four, the headquarters and training schools of the superangels, including the Brilliant Evening Stars.

The superangels of this world enable morontia visitors to draw close to the various orders of the Sons of God during their periodic visits to Jerusem (to prepare for the next transition world). As you progress, new sectors of the system capital gradually open up to you.

On this world, you increase your appreciation of the broadcasts and other phases of local universe culture. Here, you are introduced to the true social life of morontia creatures; a new social order motivated by a common and supreme destiny. You are becoming self-conscious of God-knowing, God-revealing, God-seeking, and God-finding.

The intellectual and social culture of this fourth mansion world is comparable to the mental and social life of the post-Teacher Son age on the planets of normal evolution. (See Paper 52:7).

7. The Fifth Mansion World

The fifth mansion world represents a tremendous step forward in the life of an ascender. The experience on this world is a real foretaste of Jerusem life. Here, you begin to realize the high destiny of the loyal evolutionary worlds, which normally progress to this stage during their natural planetary development. Many mortals from advanced evolutionary worlds are exempt from passing through one or more, or even all, of the mansion spheres.

On mansonia number five, the pilgrim is given permission to visit transition world number five, the Sons’ headquarters. Here, they become personally familiar with the various groups of divine sonship.

Previously, on the fourth mansion world, you mastered the local universe language. On the fifth, you devote more time to the tongue of Uversa and begin to learn more of the constellation study worlds, which are your future destinations after leaving Satania.

A real birth of cosmic consciousness takes place on mansonia number five. It is a time of expanding horizons. At about this point, the average mortal ascender begins to manifest bona fide experiential enthusiasm for the Havona ascent. Study is becoming voluntary, unselfish service natural, and worship spontaneous.

The culture of this mansion world corresponds in general to that of the early era of light and life on the planets of normal evolutionary progress. (See Paper 55:6-7).

8. The Sixth Mansion World

On mansonia six, ascenders can visit the sixth transition world, the world of the Spirit, to learn more about the high spirits of the superuniverse and to receive their first lessons about their future spirit careers, which will begin after leaving the local universe. They also get initial instruction in the technique of universe administration.

This is a brilliant age for ascending mortals, and usually witnesses the perfect fusion of the human mind and the divine Adjuster. In potential, this fusion may have occurred previously, but the actual working identity is often delayed until the time of the fifth mansion world, or even the sixth.

Upon the confirmation of Adjuster fusion, the new morontia beings are introduced by their new names and are granted forty days of spiritual retirement from all routine activities. This is the time when you choose one of the optional routes to Havona and select one of the differential techniques of Paradise attainment.

On world number six, mansion world students achieve a status which is comparable with those evolutionary worlds progressed beyond the initial stage of light and life. (See Paper 55:8).

9. The Seventh Mansion World

On the seventh world, you will receive instruction from many teachers who prepare you for residence on Jerusem. Here you will be purged of all the remnants of unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual planetary tendencies.

On mansonia number seven, permission is granted to visit transition world number seven, the world of the Universal Father, where you begin a new and more spiritual worship of the unseen Father. In mansonia, you have gone from world to world as individuals, but you will soon depart for Jerusem in groups. Within limits, you may tarry on this world to enable others to catch up.

The personnel of the seventh world assemble on the sea of glass to witness your departure for Jerusem with residential status. You may have visited Jerusem many times as a guest, but you will now be welcomed on the headquarters world as Jerusem citizens.

You are mostly human on the first mansion world. But you pass from the mortal state to immortal status at the time of Adjuster fusion. And by the time you have finished the Jerusem career, you will be full-fledged morontians.

10. Jerusem Citizenship

The reception of a new class of mansion world graduates is the signal for all Jerusem to assemble as a welcoming committee. John the Revelator saw a vision of the arrival of a class of advancing mortals from the seventh mansion world to Jerusem. Paul (of Tarsus) also had a view of the ascendant-citizen corps of perfecting mortals on Jerusem.

After you have attained residence on the system headquarters, no more literal resurrections will be experienced. Changes will be made from time to time, but you will retain this form until you emerge as first-stage spirits from the local universe. The mortal personality is not fully mobilized, realized, and unified until that Jerusem citizen is given clearance for Edentia and proclaimed a true member of the morontia corps of Nebadon.

Prepared by: Mark Blackham

Image Credit: Ivan Aivazovsky, Mmhitarists on Island of St Lazarus (1843) via Wikiart


1. How many architectural worlds are in the local system of Satania?

A. Seven

B. Fifty-six

C. Fifty-seven

D. Forty-nine

2. The mansion worlds are:

A. Morontia worlds

B. Larger than transition worlds

C. Satellites of the finaliter world

D. Where we continue to progress

3. The spornagia:

A. Are mansion world creatures

B. Are morontia world creatures

C. Minister to physical needs

D. Provide physical upkeep of the morontia worlds

4. Which deficient experiences must we all address, either on earth or the mansion worlds?

A. Parental function

B. Wealth accumulation

C. Sex life

D. Family association

5. If children die on earth before acquiring individual status, what determines whether or not they will be resurrected?

A. Their good deeds

B. The survival of both parents

C. The survival of at least one parent

D. They must have a Thought Adjuster

6. Those survivors arriving on mansion world number one are:

A. Potential Son-fused mortals

B. Potential Adjuster-fused mortals

C. Potential Spirit-fused mortals

7. If you have no children on earth, you will get parental training on these worlds:

A. Jerusem

B. Mansonia seven

C. Finaliter world

D. Edentia

8. The Temple of New Life:

A. Has seven radial wings

B. Contains resurrection chambers

C. Is a rendezvous for destiny guardians

D. Is a gigantic resurrection hall

9. Some of the beings who participate in your resurrection on mansonia one are:

A. Destiny guardians

B. Thought Adjusters

C. Archangels

D. Life Carriers

10. After death, who keeps your mind transcripts and memory patterns?

A. Destiny Guardians

B. Life carriers

C. Thought Adjusters

D. Archangels

11. As an ascending mortal, you can visit Jerusem as soon as you:

A. Graduate from mansonia seven

B. Fuse with your Adjuster

C. Reach mansonia one

D. Reach mansonia two

12. When do we acquire an “adjusted morontia body”?

A. Once we graduate from Jerusem

B. On reaching each mansion world

C. On Adjuster fusion

Reflective Questions.png

Instructions: Answer 3 or more of the following questions. 

  1. Who are the Uversa conciliators and the Technical Advisers? In your opinion, why do they occupy all of the mansion worlds? (see Paper 25)

  2. “No ascending mortal can escape the experience of rearing children… “ Why is this experience so important?

  3. Does the future morontia life appeal to you? If so, why? If not, why?

  4. While on earth, and at the age of 31, Jesus completed the psychic circles while on Mount Hermon (134:8), which corresponds to the achievement on Mansion World number 3. Do you believe you can reach this goal while living on earth? Why or why not?

  5. What do we learn on each mansion world? How do these teachings serve as a guide for what we can do to spiritually progress while still on earth?

  6. In what ways are we motivated to progress on the mansion worlds?

Image Credit: Jean Delville, Ideas. Heaven on Earth (1911) via Art Renewal Center

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An optional, extra challenge for advanced students.

After Adjuster fusion, usually by the sixth mansion world, we are granted forty days of spiritual retirement to reflect on our Paradise journey. Discuss the parallels with Jesus’ experiences in Paper 136 Baptism and the Forty Days?

Image Credit: Samantha Keely Smith, Stay An Ascendant (2023) via

Awakening on Mansonia One

When you are settled down into yourself...

Visualize your awakening on mansonia one.

Image Credit: Josh Pierce, Aware via

Resource Library.png
Key Terms and Definitions

Transition worlds – there are two types of spheres orbiting Jerusem, the larger transition spheres and their associated satellites, the morontia worlds.

To view Stuart Kerr's Lexicon of Terminology, refer to the online classroom.

Charts and visuals created by Mark Blackham

What have i learned.png

Plato taught that thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.

In your spiritual journal, summarize these two points in your own words: 

  1. What are the most important insights you gained from this paper?

  2. How can you apply the meanings and values of what you've learned to your everyday life?

While we do not want to limit the length of your entry unduly, try to articulate your thoughts succinctly in one to two pages. This step will stimulate intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth. 

Note: You will not submit this exercise, it is intended to develop spiritual living habits for your own edification.

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1. C

5. C

9. A, B, C, D

2. A, C, D

6. A, B, C

10. C

3. A, B, C, D

7. A, C

11. C

4. A, C, D

8. A, B, C, D

12. A, B, C

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