Progress Project
Course Description
The Progress Project Course deepens our personal relationship with God by creating a space to share our inner lives with each other and to support each other in spiritual goal setting. We take our name from an initiative that was developed by Urantia Book readers as a network of small groups focused on personal spiritual growth. This is the third time we are offering this course on the UUI platform.
During the course, we will meet for 90 minutes each week in class, focusing on the arc of spiritual growth from inner connection to outer expression. Each class period will include time for worshipful communion, instruction from Angie and Aprilhelen, and breakout groups for Urantia Book study and personal reflection on the week’s theme.
In addition, all students will be expected to join a Triad: a group of three that meets outside of class to support and accompany each other in their mutual desire for personal spiritual progress. These meetings are an additional 90 minutes per week and include worshipful communion, study, sharing of your inner life, and setting spiritual goals.
Lastly, all students will be asked to develop a personal, everyday practice of communion with God. We’ll invite you to journal about your experience as you go.
The Progress Project course is a deep-dive! You’re making a real commitment – to God, to yourself, to your Triad, and to your peers. Congratulations on embarking on such a thrilling adventure!
Format: Weekly online meetings using Zoom video conferencing.
Participants are expected to attend all the weekly meetings. Under extenuating circumstances, a video recording of the Zoom meeting will be made available if you have to miss a session.
How do I access the materials? Course materials will be accessed using UUI's Online Campus
Level: There are no pre-requisites for the course.
Size: Class is limited to 21 participants.
Language: English
Weekly Outline
Week 0: Orientation
An intro to the course with key info, Q&A, and a call to commitment.
Week 1: Trinitized Spiritual Growth
An overview of the Progress Project, the role of triads, and the universe pattern of the Trinity. Meet your triad for the first time!
Week 2: Sharing the Inner Life
On the importance of sharing your inner life with God, your triad, and the class.
Week 3: Communion with God
Learn from others about their practices of communion and develop and deepen your own.
Week 4: Connection with God
Explore techniques of inner spirit connection while being reminded of our many spirit helpers.
Week 5: The Practice
On patience, adaptation, and the power of free will as we continue our journey of spiritual discipline.
Week 6: Self-Awareness
Discover techniques and resources for cultivating self-awareness.
Week 7: Living on Purpose
On the art of spiritual living: cultivating daily habits and a rhythm of life.
Week 8: Gifts of God
On the gift of personality, the consecration of choice, and transforming through difficulties.
Week 9: Personality Progress
Begin to recognize your growing capacity to bear the fruits of the spirit.
Week 10: Serving God
On loving service and discovering your true voice and spiritual purpose.
Week 11: Transformation
On the growth of meanings and the realization of values in your life.
Week 12: Moving Forward
Celebrate our personal and collective progress and our visions for the future!