Life After Death: Our Path to Paradise
9 am - 11 am Pacific Time USA
10 pm MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET
For all other time zones, go to
Course Description
This three session Read and Discuss (R&D) forum will cover Papers 112, 48 and 48 with the goal of achieving a deeper understanding of the revelator’s descriptions of personality and the self, of death, survival of the human self, the morontia self, and of Adjuster fusion.
Session 1: Sunday, January 5 – Friday, January 10 read Papers 112
Live Zoom Discussion: Saturday, January 11 9:00am PDT – 11:00am
Session 2: Sunday, January 12 – Friday January 17 read Papers 112 & 47
Live Zoom Discussion: Saturday, January 18, 9:00am PDT – 11:00am
Session 3: Sunday, January 19 – Friday, January 24 read Paper 48
Live Zoom Discussion: Saturday, January 25 9:00am PDT – 11:00am
Weekly Outline
Each week begins on a Sunday with an email of the reading for the week, additional material (if any), and the optional worksheet for the Paper. At 9:00am PDT on the following Saturday will be the Zoom discussion on questions from the paper(s), section by section.
Week 1 begins with questions about the introduction to Paper 112 Personality Survival and continues through section 3 - section 4 if there is time.
Week 2 continues with the last sections in Paper 112 and begins Paper 47 The Seven Mansion Worlds.
Week 3 will continue with sections in Paper 47 if needed and complete Paper 48 The Morontia Life.
Learning Outcomes
The student will complete the course with a deeper understanding of the revelator’s descriptions of personality and the self, of death, survival of the human self, the morontia self and of Adjuster fusion. Additionally the student will have a wider, more comprehensive knowledge of the Mansion worlds including the probationary nursery and Jerusem Citizenship, as well as the scope and plan of the morotia life.
Michael Hill has been an avid reader and student of The Urantia Book since 1965. Its truths and concepts have formed the core of his life and continue to do so. In the late 1970s through the late 1980s he presented workshops at various Urantia Book conferences; he co-founded The School of Meanings and Values in the 1970s with Polly Friedman, another long-time reader whose mother was in the Forum. He also created and coordinates the Fellowship’s Inmate Correspondence Program (ICP).
Michael was an activist in his Santa Monica community, serving on numerous boards and commissions including the Santa Monica-Malibu School Board. He was also instrumental in creating a nonprofit that works to place at-risk individuals, veterans, and students in meaningful, career-track employment in construction and related trades for the largest development project in Los Angeles.
He holds a masters degree in clinical psychology and is a retired marriage, family and child counselor, high school teacher, and consultant on land use for school districts. He has facilitated online courses for Urantia Book Internet/delete International School and Urantia University Institute., created the Urantia Book Fellowship’s Inmate Correspondence Program/delete. He is a regular contributor for the Interfaith column in his local newspapers, the Fellowship’s Mighty Messenger, and The Fellowship Herald. He lives with his partner on their small hay and berry farm in Alsea, Oregon.